Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wednesday was finally the first full day of General Synod. It started with Bible study in a small group, and then, pictured here, the plenary. (I had to check-is it only the first day?) The agenda is very crowded - too crowded, I thought. I thought of getting up and objecting when we adopted the agenda - one person objected to the small amount of time given to the controversial issues, though to no avail - I thought of joining him in the complaint. But it was the first day I'd ever been at General Synod and I guess I was shy. But the agenda really is crazy. Bishop Michael (at right) told me that the Americans may go from 8 am to 6 pm, but they give people the evening off for getting together. I think you need that informal time as much as you need the formal. Still, I'll try to keep an open mind, and see how it goes.

1 comment:

Kuldeep said...

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