Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sallie McFague from the Vancouver School of Theology was the main speaker. She spoke on, "Global Warming: a Theological Problem," and spoke of the need for us to think collectively and care about all of creation... but did it eloquently, as she did at Diocesan Synod last year. I liked her summary of the "three most important economic rules." They were, "Take only your share; clean up after yourself; keep the house in good repair for others." But I did find her awfully harsh on theologies not her own, suggesting little value in taking the meaning of salvation as redemption of individuals for life in another world; rather, she said, we should focus on this world and, as Irenaeus said, "The glory of God is every creature fully alive." But to make her point I don't think she should come down so hard on those who do think and talk in terms of Christ being the centre of personal salvation-he is that too. See my fellow delegate John Oakes blog here, and my comment to some extent agreeing with him.

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